
Experts in In-Vitro Diagnostics

We provide accurate, reliable, fast and convenient diagnostic tools and services, with world-class performance, to improve patient outcomes.

We are the trusted name in in-vitro diagnostics, used by healthcare professionals for over 40 years.

Our products and contracting services are:

  • Reliable
  • Accurate
  • Fast
  • Convenient


Our aim is to steadily improve patient outcomes in the UK and abroad with gold-standard, innovative products and services that support fast, accurate and reliable diagnostic results.

We work closely with hospital and research labs and have done for more than 40 years. From our best-in-class paracetamol assay kits to our reference lab, we provide accurate, reliable diagnostic tools and services to optimise patient outcomes.


Our specialisms are auto-immunity, specialised clinical chemistry diagnostics, infectious diseases and near-patient testing.

In addition to manufacturing our own test kits and assays we provide our in-house expertise as outsourcing option for other companies, encompassing: contract product development, manufacturing, testing, OEM supply fulfilment, and reference lab services all focused on supporting healthcare professionals and their patients.

About us

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We’re dedicated to finding solutions that make life easier for healthcare professionals who use diagnostic toolkits for patient care.

Cambridge Life Sciences is ISO13485:2016-certified.

We’re proud to take an active role in the UK National External Quality Assessment Service (UK NEQAS) and are a member of the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA).

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Download U1021 IFU

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