Salicylate assay kit

Our Salicylate assay is intended for the quantitative determination of salicylate in human serum or plasma on clinical chemistry analysers or by manual spectrophotometric assays.

Benefits of CLS' Salicylate assay (K9001)

  • Labour saving and easy to use liquid kit designed for standardisation, accuracy and repeatability
  • No additional reagent preparation, streamlines the testing process and improves ease of use.
  • Stable, liquid, ready to use reagent, saving time and labour by removing the need for reconstitution     
  • Calibrator included, helping the end user maintain accuracy, standardisation and repeatability
  • Adaptable for use on multiple clinical chemistry systems

How it works:

Salicylate Hydroxylase catalyses the conversion of salicylate and NADH to catechol and NAD+ in the presence of oxygen. The resulting decrease in absorbance at 340nm, due to the conversion of NADH to NAD+, is proportional to the concentration of Salicylate in the sample.


The kit is adaptable for use on multiple clinical chemistry systems, download the datasheet here: K9001.

The intended use is for the quantitative measurement of salicylate in serum / plasma as an aid to monitor and diagnose salicylate overdose. Linearity is 0.05 - 10.00 mmol/L (6 - 1380 mg/L).

To find out more about our impressive Salicylate kit, please call us on 01353 645 200 or email
